The Whole30: A Reset for Your Body and Mind

The Whole30: A Reset for Your Body and Mind

The Whole30 program, introduced in the groundbreaking book It Starts with Food by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig, is designed to transform your health and relationship with food in just 30 days. By eliminating potentially inflammatory and addictive foods, the Whole30 allows your body to reset, helping you identify how specific foods affect your physical and mental well-being.

What is the Whole30?

The Whole30 is not a diet in the traditional sense; it’s a short-term nutritional reset. For 30 days, you’ll remove certain food groups that may contribute to inflammation, digestive issues, weight gain, and food cravings, and focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods. After the 30 days, you reintroduce eliminated foods one at a time to determine how they affect you.

Foods to Avoid (and Why)

Here’s what you’ll eliminate during the Whole30 and the research behind these exclusions:

Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

  • Why: Added sugars spike insulin, promote cravings, and can lead to energy crashes. Artificial sweeteners may alter gut microbiota and promote overconsumption.


  • Why: Alcohol can disrupt sleep, slow metabolism, and impair digestion.

Grains (including wheat, rice, oats, and corn)

  • Why: Grains contain gluten and other proteins that can irritate the gut lining and cause inflammation, even in people without celiac disease.

Legumes (including peanuts, soy, and lentils)

  • Why: While legumes contain nutrients, they also have anti-nutrients like lectins and phytates, which may impair nutrient absorption and cause digestive distress in some individuals.


  • Why: Dairy proteins like casein and sugars like lactose can cause inflammation and digestive issues in sensitive individuals.

Processed Foods and Additives

  • Why: Many processed foods contain additives, preservatives, and inflammatory oils that can disrupt hormones and promote inflammation.

Foods to Eat

The Whole30 focuses on simple, whole foods. Here’s what you’ll enjoy:


  • Grass-fed meats, poultry, seafood, and eggs.


  • Non-starchy and starchy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes.


  • Moderation is key; stick to nutrient-dense options like berries, apples, and oranges.

Healthy Fats

  • Avocados, nuts (except peanuts), seeds, olives, and compliant oils like coconut and olive oil.

Herbs and Spices

  • Use fresh or dried herbs and spices to add flavor to your meals without sugar or additives.

Example Day Menu

Here’s an example of what a day on the Whole30 might look like:


  • Sweet potato hash with eggs, spinach, and avocado.

  • Black coffee or herbal tea.


  • Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and olive oil vinaigrette.

  • Fresh apple slices.


  • A handful of raw almonds and carrot sticks.


  • Baked salmon with roasted Brussels sprouts and mashed cauliflower.

  • Fresh berries for dessert.

For more recipes, visit Whole30 Recipes.

The Reintroduction Phase

After completing the 30-day reset, the Whole30 includes a critical reintroduction phase. This step helps you determine how eliminated foods affect your body. Foods are reintroduced one at a time, allowing you to monitor your body’s response to each. Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose One Food Group at a Time: Start with a single food group, like dairy, and keep all other aspects of your diet Whole30-compliant.

  2. Eat the Food Multiple Times in One Day: For example, have yogurt at breakfast, cheese at lunch, and milk in your coffee. This concentrated exposure ensures you can observe any immediate effects.

  3. Stop and Wait for 48 Hours: Avoid the food entirely for two days, maintaining the rest of your diet as Whole30-compliant. During this time, track any changes in digestion, energy, sleep, mood, or other symptoms.

  4. Evaluate and Decide: If no negative symptoms arise, you may choose to reintroduce this food group into your diet. If you notice adverse effects, you’ll know to limit or avoid this food in the future.

This reintroduction process empowers you to create a sustainable, personalized diet based on what works best for your unique needs.

Enhance Your Whole30 with Detox Support

The Whole30 pairs perfectly with my detox program to further support your body during this reset. Contact me, Dr. Robyn, for personalized supplement recommendations to complement your Whole30 journey and maximize your results.

Are you ready to transform your health? Start the Whole30 today and take the first step towards a healthier you!

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