Functional Medicine Online Booking

Virtual and In-Person appointments available @ The Chiropractic Spa in Dunedin Florida.

We can’t wait to meet you! If you have any questions before scheduling,

please e-mail: or call 727-603-1761.


  1. You are willing to making the lifestyle and dietary changes necessary to allow your body to heal.

  2. You fully understand that neither I, nor a drug, supplement, therapy or modality will heal you, YOU HEAL YOU.

  3. You understand this is a process, that change does not happen overnight, and you must invest your time to get well.

  4. You are willing to invest in yourself financially to make lasting improvements.

  5. You’re willing to look at all aspects of your life and how they contribute to your overall well-being.

  6. You are ready to make your health a top priority and ready to live out your life’s purpose without symptoms and limitations.


  1. You are searching for quick fix solutions

  2. You look to other people to “fix” you and are not interested in getting educated on how you can take charge of your health.

  3. You are too busy to spend time on yourself

  4. You’re not willing to examine other aspects of your life including stress, emotions or adverse events or trauma in relation to your overall well-being.

  5. You are not willing to invest or make a commitment to yourself,

  6. You don’t understand it takes an investment of commitment, time and money to get educated and get well.